Saturday, February 08, 2020

Out and About With Choya

I'm not about to be stuck at home with the dog when the man travels, and we don't have the luxury of being ferried around. (I don't have a driving licence.) This is why I bought that tote bag so that I could easily carry her home when she gets too tired of walking, and a bag is a handy accessory because it makes it much more sanitary and convenient to go around in a cab or GrabPet.

This week, I finally put that tote bag to good use. We chose GrabPet, and I'm relieved that for all these trips, we got a ride in under a minute, no cancellations and waited no more than ten minutes for them. Golly, the design of this Love Thy Beast tote is rather brilliant in its weight distribution. It takes the weight off my shoulders. While Choya isn't exactly heavy, walking with a 7kg dog + bag and all for anything more than 3km does take a toll.

Decided not to date humans, and instead took time to hang out with Choya. If we're home all the time, me on the MacBook and she snoozing ain't exactly conducive to sharpening her mental edge. Pulled out the tote and a towel. Packed up stuff in the backpack. The dog and I gallivanted out to Quayside Isle in Sentosa for brunch, coffee and a spot of reading, as well as Robertson Quay at dusk for burgers and wine, and more reading. Those were very pleasant trips. I swear wait staff are extra nice to a lone human and her dog.

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