Thursday, April 09, 2020

Last Day of School in April For Choya

When it was announced last Friday that Singapore is moving into COVID-19 lockdown 'circuit breaker' mode from April 7 to May 4, my concerns were for the dog. I scanned that list of essential services to check for Choya's stuff. I wasn't exactly surprised to find out that her groomer and school are all listed as non-essential businesses and will have to close. Haizzz.

Since humans have to make compromises, pet services available would have to be compromised as well. Emergency services and supply stores remain open, so that's fine. I'd rather have this current situation than to have any murmurs of COVID-19 going around in pets, and worse, face fear-mongering of domesticated dogs and cats and rabbits passing the coronavirus back to humans in a mutated strain. Then we're looking at a total zombie apocalypse + doomsday.

I hurriedly texted Sunny Heights and chope-d Choya a spot in school on Monday so that she could have one last swim and one last gigantic play session with her fwends before her school closed for the month. The school took the trouble to send me plenty of photos from the last day at school for the month. She came back with a pack of snacks. Wheeee. It was Koko the Brown Poodle's 5th birthday, and he gave her a pack of dehydrated pork strips from Bacon M Jam. It looks good. She hasn't really had pork much. I shall open it next week give her a bit here and there from tomorrow then.

I think the dog is going to miss school quite a bit. She's not that sociable, but she has fweeends. She'll wonder why she doesn't get to meet her fweends and nice handlers. Haizzzz. I don't think she cares that much about pack walks. Hahah. She probably likes the excitement of a walk more than being coerced into behaving obediently with the pack. What she will definitely miss, are her swim sessions. She loves water, and with other doggie pools shut, she won't get to exercise this way. I worry about her patella luxation. It's crucial that she gets a swim in, but even therapy clinics with pools are closed. Luckily we've built up little muscles to hold the patella tight. We could still continue to go outdoors for a bit. So we shall keep with the walks. I'll have to do slow massages for her, and gently stretch her legs then.

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