Friday, April 10, 2020

Ready for Online Pilates Classes

I'm totally ready to take pilates classes online. It's to fulfill the rest of the committed/purchased classes with the instructor, and also a way of ensuring that I dedicate the hour to proper stretching. Not that I can't do it properly, but it helps to have someone spot you, even if it's via a screen.

I'm going to miss the Reformer and the Ladder Barrel. Those really help to built strength and core control. I'm not optimistic that this 'circuit breaker' mode will only last for the month. I expect it to lengthen into 45 or 60 days. At the last IRL class with K, I took a Pilates Arc from her. The home already has resistance bands and non-slip mats. I've also borrowed a Pilates Chair for a week. Well, it's loaned out to four people for four weeks. I have it for six days, and the next borrower F will have to figure out how to get it from me on the seventh day, and someone else will figure out how to get it from her.

I've been doing an incredible number of press-ups in all ways imaginable. Besides the usual HIIT 'challenges' put out by LES MILLS and Virgin Active that involve all manner of press-ups, the pilates instructor is also a huge fan of it. She even made me do press-ups on the Arc on both uneven sides. WHAT IS THIS FASCINATION WITH PRESS-UPS?! At this rate, by the end of May, I'll be friggin trim and the pecs, deltoids and triceps will be stronger than they ever have been post-competitive gymnastics.

Thankfully, I don't have a habit of snacking. Sure I like salt, and savory crackers but generally I stop at two mouthfuls of anything. Snacks don't give me joy. My stomach has learnt that with a decrease in activities, it doesn't need that much food either. I'm already at two meals a day. I'll simply watch the intake of carbs because carbs are my greatest weakness. I guess this means food intake during the longer #StayHome period won't exponentially increase.

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