Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Swopping To Gyrokinesis At Home

The greatest benefits of private GYROTONIC® classes are the instructor’s hands-on corrections of posture and spinal rotstions. When Singapore went into 'circuit breaker' mode, many fitness classes moved online. Mine too. However, with online classes, I no longer have the instructor’s eye to spot unbalanced body parts or her hands to shift misaligned hips and shoulders. Neither will I be able to utilize the wonderful GYROTONIC machine nor work the muscles on its cleverly weighted pulleys.

The virtual classes can only do GYROKINESIS®. Fine with me. The movements emphasize on fluidity and flow, a connectedness through energy points in the body. I understand the purpose of GYROKINESIS® and I accept that. With equipment and without. Half the value of our payment lies in being able to get on the machines and have those help us. At home, we only have a stool and the instructor's voice. I don’t know how many clients would be game for this switch, but I am up for it. With studios closed, this is a month of lost income for many fitness instructors. It’s tough to convert some classes to an online version, and they’re taking a huge hit.

I’m thankful that J and I have had sufficient time to build basic trust and confidence in our less-than-one-year client-instructor relationship. She knows my weaknesses, and I’ve had time to understand her corrections. It makes the move online easier. I'm aware of my own body; I’m not inflexible, and I’m still fairly strong. GYROKINESIS® at home is done to the prescribed flow that J has structured for the day. That's her value-add to virtual classes. I could pay an app and move along to it. But J is still able to spot mistakes and dish out corrections. Without the machine, I'm totally dependent on my own weight and strength. I have no leverage.

The movements so far seem to have highlighted the strained muscles and those that have been over-used or compensating for the others. It’s important that I strengthen weak points before the body ages irretrievably. As we moved through two classes, it felt like I’m returning to dance roots, coaxing stiff joints used to the rigidity of ballet postures into free-flowing controlled contemporary movements.


coboypb said...

The movements look graceful. Maybe something I could consider with pilates to strengthen my core after this Circuit breaker :)

imp said...

can try! online classes work quite okay too for gyrokinesis!