Friday, May 08, 2020

Pilates, Virtually

The Pilates instructor, K, was rather enthusiastic about putting me through the HIIT paces till I protested and told her to skip it for the start of our virtual classes. Hahahah. I'm warmed up when I see her online. She knows that I do incorporate HIIT into the exercise routine, even during this month. I now either run in the mornings or I would have done a spot of cardio LES MILLS things before signing into Pilates. Hallo, cannot go in cold. Must maximize class time!

A few sessions in, and a month later, I sorely miss the Chair and the Reformer. Luckily I have the Pilates Arc at home to utilize in order to get the full benefit of these paid virtual classes. Sure, K takes over the headache of structuring a class and thinking through the flow for optimal use of muscles...... but...... I do have that teaching cert. Zzzzz. So if I pay an app to take me through a class, I might as well pay K. Otherwise, I won't bother paying anyone at all, and will simply utilize the free classes widely available, and modify them to my purposes.

K and I have had a great client-instructor relationship for many years. She knows my weaknesses and is in touch with what I want out of classes at any point. When she corrects my posture and alignment in these virtual classes, at least I know how to shift the pelvis or the knees accordingly. She always has innovative stretches for me. We're able to focus on the obliques as well. Stretches still go in deep, and damn, I perspire quite a bit when holding side plank positions to work the inner thighs. Unsurprisingly, I still feel slight muscle aches the next day!

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