Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas in the Pandemic of 2020

I cannot tell you how pleased I am about the restrictions on the number of people gathering to dine at restaurants or at home in 2020 and hopefully 2021. I'm ridiculously thrilled about it. It absolves me from all obligations! I've made it clear that I will adhere to the capacity limits, and nobody should let me know if someone didn't, and don't expect me to support your actions. Also, if your household has like ten people living there, and you want to invite eight more living elsewhere to arrive at different times of the day to form a gigantic legally permissible gathering, I'm not going. Because. It's simple math. 

It has been so much about social distancing this year, so it's logical to crave for some company during this season. BUT NO. Hurhurhur. Not for me. I don't feel any more isolated this year than the last. I'm an introvert, and I never bother much about IRL interactions except with the very few people who matter. Deaths and illnesses haven't come this near yet. May they not come close for many years more. 

Attended midnight mass. In comfort at home. Hurhurhur. Obviously I'm not so conscientious as to book a slot to attend mass. The limited capacity for in-person mass attendance (it's still 150+ persons today, and it will be 250 from 28 December onwards) meant that more things have been shifted online, and I'm sure it will be hosted online next year still. So I'm pleased to access scripture readings whenever I want to. 

May the blessings of the season wrap you with warmth, lend you strength and renew your faith. Wash your hands, wear your mask, keep well. Merry Christmas. 

[38] Give, and it shall be given to you: good measure and pressed down and shaken together and running over shall they give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you shall mete withal, it shall be measured to you again.

~ Luke Chapter 6:38, Douay-Rheims

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