Thursday, December 24, 2020

Winter Offerings at Hakumai

A few years ago, when fine-dining became lackluster for me, I've decided that spending a phenomenal amount of money on meals isn't for me anymore. Also, dropping S$650 weekly on sushi dinners and such didn't suit my budget, outlook and spending philosophy in my forties. Exploring cuisines (and traveling the world) in my teens, twenties and early thirties is fairly natural, methinks. Those decades deepened my understanding of cultures and the world. I'm well aware of the privileges which allowed for acquiring knowledge and experiences. But now, I'm done. A re-allocation of budget meant that I can set aside these funds for other equally meaningful but wider purposes. I've always set aside funds for my causes, but now, I have more. Hurhurhur. 

Now that the desire to check out new fancy Japanese sushi restaurants (or other cuisines) is no longer strong, I stick to a few good ones that are dependable, and still operational. I'll find alternatives when I have to. Our Singapore iteration of Japanese sushi and sashimi still works for me in the form of menu offerings at Hakumai. It's convenient, comfortable and fast. We'd all support restaurants that speak to us, isn't it? So this is my way of doing so. 

Closing out the year with a few easy dinners is guilt-free because we choose nights when the dog is flat out sleeping after a fun day at school. Went for one last meal of the year at Hakumai. May the chefs and kitchen get a little break over the festive period, continued rental reliefs and come back strong. We hope to have many more meals there next year. 

Winter's waters meant that the usual ikura and uni were gorgeous, and the fish, a lot more fatty. We accepted a lovely grilled sea bream because we hadn't demolished a whole unfilleted fish in a while. Hahaha. Then it was all sushi tonight for me. I stuffed in 12 lovely pieces. I've been skipping sashimi and going for sushi. I can't do both! By now, Chef Gary knows that I'm not interested in maguro anything; whatever prized cuts of tuna, those aren't for me. I'll stick to the natural fats in my usual white and shiny fish.

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