Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas Lunch at O'maJ

[O'maJ has rebranded to Tomahawk on 1 May, 2021.]

The man and I were really pleased that there were no hotel-bought turkey, ham and roast beef at the family Christmas lunch this year. (Hurrah for the limits on gatherings.) We really cringe at those because we’re not in control of the said menu, food or its quality. We’re not fond of turkey or lousy ham. Also, the roast beef is always served well done, like rubber. If there're other options of food on the table, then we don't care about those. But often, there isn't. Many years, the man would simply pick at his plate; I'd rather not eat. (Please, I've had decades of practice in refusing to eat things that I don't want to eat. There's no such thing as 'try'. You eat it then.) We've long wisened up and would eat a huge breakfast or brunch before going to these obligatory lunches, then scoot off asap to go eat a proper late lunch elsewhere or head home for an early dinner.  

There isn't even alcohol unless we bring our own. We can happily share that. People will just have to deal with our alcohol choices. It's really 'take it or leave it'. We don't bother catering to their preferences. Bring your own then! However, if we bring our own food, we’d have to cook to feed 25 people, and then another 15. Sorry, we’re not enthusiastic people-persons that way. What I've taken to doing, is to bring my own lunchbox. That I have no guilt taking it out and walking around with it because that lunchbox would contain a hearty vegetarian salad. Nobody would want to share that. Plus the man and I make it clear that we're not the hosts. I'm not going to volunteer or offer to organize a whole party, and then after that get a whole barrage of criticisms because it wasn't done to someone's standards. Humans are walking oxymorons.

This year, we opted for Christmas lunch at O'maJ so that we could finally eat what we wanted, and the food would be thankfully non-Christmassy. We invited the man's parents along too. We’ve long made it clear that we aren’t keen on buffets at hotels or some types of food for the season. If we have a meal together, we really prefer to go to somewhere we like. With no turkey, and better pork. 

Importantly, Choya could join us. She didn’t get any food at the restaurant. Not that she would eat it anyway. She doesn’t seem to want to eat outside of the home unless she’s super starving. Today, before coming out with us, she already had a yummy Christmas brunch of turkey, daikon, yoghurt and duck offal at home plus a nap. 

Couldn't resist the O’maJ special of the month — porchetta. Pre-ordered that. They used Australian Borrowdale free range pork. I did quake a little at the 'all belly' thing. I always think I enjoy porchetta but I really can't take more than two pieces of it. Ate some of the super crisp skin, and then had the lean meat. O’maJ had done a sterling job with this. It was absolutely delicious. 

The clam chowder was on point today. There were octopus terrine, squid ink risotto, garlic mash, and burnt cherry tomatoes and baby squid baked in cheese. I cleverly avoided those and got a classic Caesar’s salad. I needed to be watchful about indigestion setting in. The table ordered a 330g Sanchoku wagyu sirloin. I bowed out of that and asked for the smallest aged beef platter with dips, lettuce and vegetables. However that had to be done as a to-go because after I ate the porchetta, I too stuffed to fit anything else in. Christmas Day of 2020 would go down as one of the best ones I've had. 

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