Sunday, December 27, 2020

Cleared All Medicals

Scheduling medicals in December is a nice way for me to round up the year. I usually schedule it in February. But I've been in town for two years in a row during December, so the medicals have been moved up earlier. The results (of blood tests and whatever scans) remind me of what I need to do in the coming year.

I pop in to a cardiologist and a neurologist every three to four years. The gynaecologist is the one I see yearly for annual medicals because she's my primary care doctor. I need to guard against the aggressive cervical, ovarian and endometrial cancer. (HPV vaccines weren't available to me back then. By now, it's a tad useless to me.) The contraceptive pills I've been taking for the past 15 years ensured some sort of protection since there isn't any ovulation. 

After the last long-time nosy ob-gyn overstepped her boundaries to talk to me about the wonderful benefits of having children, I ditched her and found this current one. I love her. She doesn't do obstetrics, and specializes in gynaecological oncology.

She's been perfect for my needs. Except that she's too naggy about doing annual mammograms. I prefer to do ultrasounds over mammograms. I prefer to do mammograms once in two years. I think a number of her patients/clients hold a similar view to mine, and it's a perpetual fight with us about scheduling mammograms at the radiology clinic. Hahahaha. 

I'm turning 43 next year. I care a little more about mortality. I owe it to myself to make an effort to keep up with health. There's the exercise and diet, which fall into my responsibility. Then there's the pre-emptive measures aided by medical science that I should utilize. The rest, I leave it to God.

The best Christmas present to myself this year, is receiving results of a clear ultrasound scan for the breasts, ovaries and uterus, and clearing the cancer markers in all blood tests. Allergens are still uhhh through the roof. Expected. I’m supposed to drastically cut down on the beef intake. My favorite meat. I’ll likely begin on another round of vegetarian diet in January to detox. Anyway. This starts the new year on another clean slate to do all that I want.

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