Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Rings & Kettlebells

One time, the WOD included kettlebell deadlifts. So I took out the 12kg, intending to use it for all four sets. On the second set, the coach sneakily swopped it out for a 16kg. On the third set, a 20kg appeared, and stayed for the fourth set. WAH HE DAMN FREE AH. The coach didn't randomly do it lah. He knows I usually deadlift more than that, and he just couldn't deal with me slacking off. He then slyly suggested that I use two kettlebells for deadlifts the next time. Riiiight...... NO.

I'm still suspicious of kettlebells. My hips and knees haven't gotten used to the form of swinging kettlebells or jerking them up and down. Deadlifts are cool, but I'm not hot about kettlebell swings. The two classes of kettlebells two years ago left me in so much pain. Those aches weren't DOMS. They were telling me that the lower back muscles were strained! I have no wish to kena some crazy backache that will immobilize me for three days again. The Ritual coaches are pretty enthusiastic. They kept reminding me to not bend the knees too much and to thrust the butt out. So whenever I do kettlebells, I'll stick to conservative deadlifts and swings. No throws, no risk. Hahahaha.

I'm supper happy playing with the gymnastic rings. Unfortunately for a HIIT class, the rings are severely under-utilized. One could only do jump pulls or pull-ups on them and do minimal variation because there're only 25 seconds or 30 seconds to do the reps. There isn't any time to safely play or show off. LOL I can't book any pod space to experiment on my own. 

But that's cool, because pull-ups on gymnastic rings are equally tough. Hahahah. Although I'm not strong enough to do pull-ups reps for all four sets. Somehow, I feel that pull-ups on gymnastic rings are easier to do than on a horizontal bar. At least for me, I can do a slow up and a slow-down on rings. I think the placement and angle of the wrists and elbows make all the difference. I can utilize the entire core to stabilize me on rings instead of having a bar limit the stabilizing muscles hit in this movement.

Gymnastics rings are light. Much lighter than TRX straps. They're great for traveling, although they can't go over the front door of a hotel room. If I buy this, I'd have to find a playground swing or a sturdy bar to sling it over before doing anything. Too bad the flat isn't equipped to have something like this. I should have factored in a pull up bar of sorts in the patio, and have it reinforced for straps and such.

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