Wednesday, May 05, 2021

A Monkey Bit Choya In the Belly

Choya would be in school today, but I've taken her out of her weekly classes for the month. Her deep lacerations and stitches need to heal first. My heart aches so badly for her. We were just off on an innocent outing to Labrador Park. Just a few meters from the entrance driveway of the park next to Carpark B, where all the children were playing, Choya was attacked by three monkeys. Young adults, I presumed. Long-tailed macaques. 

Choya was minding her own business and was just watching the kids play, hadn't even pooped and the monkeys came charging. Totally unprovoked. They were so fast that one got her belly before we could scoop her up. Her screams were heartrending. The other two wanted to come in again for a second charge. The man scooped the dog up and got ready to kick that monkey who bit her. I clapped and flapped and had to run at the other two to chase them away. But Choya was bleeding badly. I took a look at the wound and grimaced. It isn't a wound I can manage at home. Anyway, wild animal bites = straight to Emergency or the clinic (depending on level of bleeding).

Our usual clinic Companion Animal Surgery was full, so they referred us to Mount Pleasant Veterinary Center at Jalan Gelenggang which thankfully had a slot on a public holiday. The vet team saw Choya immediately, gave a jab of painkillers, shaved the surrounding area and did a first wash of the wound. It was nasty. Deep tears across from thigh to thigh in that rip. Stitches required.

The doctor and I agreed to have Choya to go under G.A to check if the monkey nicked the intestine. The team flushed out all wounds, inspected the injured skin, flesh and tissues before suturing. We couldn’t risk having the wound turn septic or a blood infection arising. She was warded for a night for observation because her white blood cell count dipped. There was a real chance that her body couldn't fight the bacteria invading her bloodstream. 

It's all chance and fate. And Lady Luck. The bite could have been worse, nicking the intestine or an artery. It could also have landed elsewhere, tore a ear, or crippled her or taken an eye. The leash could have broke and she might have taken flight in fear and pain, and ended up dead. I can't help feeling like we failed her too. She's out with us, and we couldn't prevent her from being attacked and injured.

My happy sunshine girl is now a little sad, disoriented (from meds) and in pain, and not understanding why. But she is on the mend. She’s a trooper. She’s eating, drinking and doesn’t mind the short strolls outdoors for a pee. The vet team has done all they could. Now for the cocktail of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anti-seizure drugs, and for her immune system to work as hoped. I’m done with bawling and guilt. I’m in Momma Nurse mode. These ten days are crucial. I'm watching her carefully too. I’m not ready for her to leave us so soon.


Cavalock said...

Get well soon!

imp said...

she will! thanks!