Thursday, July 01, 2021

Ayam Geprek at Impian Wahyu

The man had a craving for spices and ayam penyet, or specifically ayam geprek. We both prefer the sambal that came with ayam geprek. Impian Wahyu does a very good homely version of both. Toddled down to its stall at the kopitiam at Block 28 Kelantan Road. (This is the same kopitiam that houses Reiwa Soba.)

Run by Abang Batman and his wife Wahyu Ning, Impian Wahyu was initially located across the road at another kopitiam at Jalan Besar for many years before it moved to its current stall at Kelantan Road in November 2020. Depending on the stock for the day, you'll just have to ask if the lontong, rawon pasuruan or sup buntut is available. 

We ended up ordering ayam penyet, but asked for the sambal belado that was meant for the ayam geprek. It was spicier. Hahaha. The stall's version of ayam penyet is totally different from the famous ones in town. We very much prefer this version that tastes like something from a friend's kitchen. You could choose chicken breast or thigh too. Perfect. I tend to eat a little of the meat and pass the rest to my dining companions; in this case, the man. I simply take the skin and sambal and the rice. Had to tell myself to go easy on the rice. It's a no-nutritional-value meal again, but absolutely delicious. 

After coffee, we packed up epok-epok from the stall to store in the fridge for nibbles the next day. I love this type of old-school, simple and fuss-free curry puffs. Also, I prefer the epok-epok’s thin flaky crust over the other curry puff’s thick buttery crust and way too many ingredients. Epok-epok ini satistfying enak-sedap — potato for me, sardine for the man. 

Impian Wahyu
Block 28 Kelantan Road Singapore 200028
Hours: Daily except for alternate Sundays and some public holidays. 

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