Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Don't Kill the BFF's Plants

The BFF has hightailed out of town and taken the grand VTL (Vaccinated Travel Lane) route to Germany. There was so much admin prep work to be done before she left town, and a PCR test to do. She also had a really lengthy shopping list to fulfill, and to pack all those into her luggage. We managed to get lunch before she flew out.

Of course it had to be Asian food. Simple fare that she wouldn't be able to easily obtain in Germany. The flavors are different, and she kinda knows what to expect food-wise. Hurhurhur. She'd have to cook, and I think by the end of the month, she would be cooking like a pro back in Beijing-Shanghai days. Teheheheeh.

The BFF also left me to babysit her plants. OMG. What do I know about plants? I'm no plant parent. I don't even like them very much. Also, I cannot have flowering plants. The pollen will irritate the shit out of my airways and keep my eyes swollen for days. No plants indoors. I dunno if she calls them 'plant babies'. She likes plants but she doesn't seem to go gaga all over them. I don't care. They're just... GREEN THINGS. 

I told her that I wouldn't even know how to try my best to keep them alive because I don't know what to do with them. They'd just sit in the patio and get some sun and breeze, and I'd just sprinkle some water on them once a week. They have survived a few thunderstorms so far. I hope they continue to uhhhh survive. If they live, hurrah... if they wilt, she's not to smack me.    


Anonymous said...

"You had one job..." heehee.

imp said...