Friday, November 05, 2021


I think Choya's stomach likes her sardines and pilchards more than salmon. Her tastebuds love every fish. BUT. Dehydrated/freeze-dried/cooked salmon give her the runs now. It happened suddenly. But there would have been minute changes in her gastrointestinal tract that decided it didn't want salmon anymore. 

I suspect she really can't have much because of the oils. If so, then she might as well not eat it. I do give her a slice of salmon sashimi once in a bit, and she does so much better on that. Sardines, pilchards and anchovies are okay for her. But she's a small dog, so feeding her fish shouldn't be an every day affair. Once or twice a week should be fine. Portion control. 

So that day, Choya had her iwashi, and I had mine as well, in terms of sushi for lunch at Hakumai. Didn't bother with sashimi. Just sushi, a bowl of soup plus a slice of sweet melon for dessert totally worked. The stomach was very happy. I looked at my pieces of sushi and laughed. Chef Gary really picked out all the shiny fish for me. 

He also set aside a long piece of saba, done aburi and topped with spring onions. It even came on its own plate. That was delicious. Frankly, if I could have like three pieces of this seared saba with a little bowl of steamed rice sprinkled with furikake and spring onions, that would make an amazing lunch. 

Chef Gary was distracted by the newly-hired service staff missing their beats that afternoon, and had to correct them. He was a tad busy telling them off. So he forgot that both V and I didn't want tuna (he gave a piece of otoro to V), and I didn't want his signature prawn sushi with foie gras. Ooof. Never mind. V happily adopted my piece of foie gras, and I just ate the prawn. I do like prawns. Just.... One prawn. I could.  

It was a lovely lunch with V. I've been swamped under a pile of deadlines these two weeks. Lunch have been hurriedly gobbled up at home or wherever I was passing by. I actually haven't had time for a leisurely mid-day meal, much less fix lunches with the friends. Today, we even had time for a coffee after the meal. Dimbulah had closed at Guocco Tower, so we settled for Starbucks.  

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