Thursday, November 04, 2021

Z's Stingray Biryani

J stalked Global Mat Soul Kitchen's IG and scored us all stingray biryani. Wooohooo. There was no prior discussion. J simply went for it and ordered eight packets, and if he got it, he would figure out later to pass to whom and who to collect. As luck would have it, we could take the biryani, and so could S. None of us had plans the following night. Stingray biryani it was!

J did the last round of pick up and we ate at their table, so it was our turn now. Since the rules still didn't allow us all to eat together, and people were stuck in night calls, we volunteered to drop off biryani to everyone. We intended to pop home for our own dinner, but by pure chance, by the time we stopped at S and N's, they had finished their calls and invited us to stay and eat. Woooot. They even gave us egg tarts for dessert. Heh. The dog came along too since she was in the car. (Okay the dog had to starve a little. LOL She did have a 5.30pm snack lah, not so bad.) 

Dog and cat got along fine. We kept a sharp eye on the floofies because the oblivious dog loved going near the cat, and the cat was all wary. After a while, Chewie chilled out in her safe spot, and Choya lazed around. I think Chewie felt better because Choya isn't the kind of doggo who would bark at her or try to jump her. 

We hadn't had Z's stingray biryani for a looooong time. THIS WAS SO GOOD. I love Z's stingray biryani best of them all. This as a much needed dinner. It was good to catch up with S and N too. Everyone had a really long day and it was a relief to take a break for dinner. The man definitely wanted all his spices before he flew out to London. But hey, London has got fantastic Indian food too, and he would likely have a dinner invite that involves tons of fabulous homecooked curries. 

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