Thursday, January 27, 2022

Back at HIIT After Vertigo

By the end of the week, I cautiously returned to the gym for HIIT classes, wary of vertigo returning. Took it easy for the first two classes. The recovery felt as woozy as the 'beginning hints' of it. I stopped the meds after two days, eight doses. But I kept up with the Epley maneuvers, which at this point, seemed to help. I popped in to a Gyrotonic class too, and that felt really good — the spiraling motions didn't upset the crystals. In fact, it felt like they slowly shifted back in and stayed firm. 

HIIT is a whole new ball game. Press-ups weren't and issue. Mountain climbers and burpees were a problem. The mountain climbers made me a wee bit nauseous; burpees made my ear crystals bounce. Walaoeh. I kept them slow. At cool-down, as the hips twisted to release any tightness, I also turned my head in a half-Epley to check on the ear crystals. Okay, all good. My vision is fine, no nausea, and no headache, and no cloudiness in the brain.   

I went light with the weights for the first class, and by the second class, I decided to use the usual 7.5kg dumbbell. There really is no point for me to use 5-kg when it does absolutely nothing. I don't even break a sweat at the end of the class. There was a set for 'unilateral lunges', with weights to press up as one lunged. That was soooo good using a 7.5kg — both to build strength and check in on my balance.  

My alcohol intake is already moderated. Dunno if I should decrease it more. Caffeine is the thing I should be wary of. Caffeine intake ought to be reduced too. I do feel a tad light-headed when too much caffeine comes in. The caffeine hit is real for me, and I still can't do coffee-caffeine after 2.30pm. 

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