Friday, May 20, 2022

Tis Lovely To Hear Music At the Friends' Home Again

I'm definitely enjoying the lifted pandemic restrictions. With no more safe distancing or capacity limits for social gatherings and visitors to the home, as well as live performances (<500 pax), we can all breathe a little easier. We mask up if we want to. I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts. I don't know if we'll be knocked back into restrictions should the situation changes.

It was nice to pop over the friends' for a cosy living room gig. This is their first time hosting a small gig since pandemic restrictions set in two years ago. We had dinner earlier and went over by 7pm. Contributed drinks and snacks earlier via Amazon Fresh couriers, and also brought over our own insulated bottles holding whisky (and great for refills) and iced water. 

I sighed in happiness at the table full of snacks and drinks for the guests. Cold pressed juices done at home, nachos, hummus and such. Those were lovely, and I know how much effort went into that. I don't know how L does it. She preps snacks and food and still keeps her kitchen spotless. Of course by now, her SOP in the kitchen is ingrained to keep away everything the moment she is done, because, three cats. These cats lurk in the kitchen. Hahah. I can't do what she does, or do what anyone who enjoy hosting do. I'm not fond of many visitors in the house. Dinner will be madness if the man is the one cooking. Drinks and snacks aren't difficult to prepare, but I won't be able to take the stress of having multiple visitors and to have to clean the house after.

I've missed being an audience an acoustic gig like this, within controlled sound and nothing too jarring. There were three sets tonight. Musicians with different genres — singer-songwriter, shoegaze, and folk. I still put on earplugs though. My hearing is super sensitive. Earplugs help filter out the layers. What an enjoyable night. The best part, it all ended by 11pm. 

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