Thursday, October 06, 2022

A Belated Birthday Cake for L

The BFF and I took L out to celebrate her birthday. This was a belated celebration. A whole month late. We didn't think she would be able to make it to meet us. We were super glad that she could and we got to see her for that two hours. She has had some troubling turn of events in her life, and we were anxious to catch up with her. 

Opted for Typhoon Cafe for the convenient location and its easy food options. Fried rice, mee sua, seasonal vegetables, crab meat and egg white omelette. As for the meats, the pork chop was rubbish, but its claypot sanbei chicken was decent. We had more than enough to eat, and packed the rest into two boxes for L to take home. L isn't so much of a coffee person and there're plenty of options of tea for her here. She was pleased with her hot white ginger and pear tea. The BFF took a pot of hot lemongrass. I quite like the cafe's sparkling fruit teas and cold lychee mint tea with peach gum. 

Unfortunately the BFF and I had to take work calls (separately), and couldn't stay longer. Managed to get a slice of coffee tiramisu and a photo together before we had to run off. L didn't have plans for the afternoon. Accompanied by a fresh pot of hot tea, she stayed on by herself to catch up on some reading and to take her time finishing the cake. 

This meet wasn't so much about the food. It was so tell L that we miss her and we're thinking of her. We can't do much to help her out either. We would if we could. Que sera sera. Choices, consequences, luck and antecedent. L is resilient, but life has thrown her many curveballs; the way forward is going to be rough. We could only lend her our emotional support and prayers. May she find continuous strength to walk the rocky path.

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