Friday, October 07, 2022

Pork Chops & Avocado

I do like how pork chops are done home. Get some tasty ones with bone — Indonesian pork or if it has to be Australian pork, it ought to be from Borrowdale. The pork chops would sit in a marinade and be sous vide for two hours, then finished on the stove with a light sear. 

It has been raining so much that I just want to hibernate at home. For dinner that night, we rustled up pork chops and didn't mind a bit of brown rice. So the grilled pork chops went with an Asian stir-fry of cabbage, chillies and fish sauce. Added an egg to it too. Since the sous vide stick is out, I usually sous vide a few eggs to go with the meal and keep a few in the fridge. #ImpieCooks2022

There were some nice pieces of pork left. These were packed away for lunch the next day. Wouldn't it be boring, you ask. Not at all. Cooking daily is tiring. Leftovers are still decent food, and when eaten with additional ingredient and such, it still turns out delicious and healthy. Homecooked meals are still fashionable. 

Assembled a hearty grilled pork salad the next day at lunch. The pieces of grilled pork were cut thin. Then I tossed in baby spinach, cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers. Drizzled with olive oil and topped with avocado. The avocado was mashed chunky and made tastier with onions, coriander, pepper, salt and lemon juice. The man was extremely pleased with this meal. Since he doesn't look for carbs to fill his stomach nowadays, the portions of food were sufficient for him. I took a small bowl too, and that was more than enough for my mid-day meal. 

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