Saturday, December 03, 2022

Half A Peking Duck To Myself

I had a long week of sorting out administrative stuff for the old folks. After a few house visits, I was exhausted and hungry. Randomly strolled to Peach Garden at Chinatown Point. It was mad crowded on a week day (why ah?!), but they had a table for a solo diner.

I hadn't arranged to lunch with anyone. Didn't want to join my fellow volunteers for lunch either. I needed some downtime to myself. On many days, I prefer having a coffee or a meal alone. That means no dog too. NO SMOL GIRL. Hahaha. It gives me time to recharge. Today, it was just me, my food, my phone and my thoughts. I didn't even bother to reply messages. Opened up Libby and read.  

Accepted the appetizer of achar. For $5, it was decent. Had a bowl of shark cartilage fish maw soup, and half a Peking duck. That was utterly satisfying. Asked for the duck meat to be stir-fried with mee sua. Took a bowl of that and tapau-ed the rest home for lunch the next day. The 1.5 hours of solitude were pure bliss. And yes, while not thinking about work and reading, by the time I got home, I had figured out some fairly acceptable solutions to messy (work) situations.  

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