Thursday, December 01, 2022

Tater Tots at Lunch

The Glasshouse
opened an outlet at Neil Road. J and I were right there at their opening week. So lunch was relatively unbothersome. It wasn't that crowded. It's not like we're fans of the brand; we didn't specifically go there. It was just convenient. We just needed a very very quick lunch venue in the area. It was either Populus or Glasshouse. Since we always pop by Populus, the obvious choice was Glasshouse. This place will fill up real quick at lunch and during weekends.

J got there first and sent me the menu. She had the avocado dukkah and poached egg tartine. On sourdough of course. I saw tater tots and fell for it. TATER TOTS PLEASE. PLAIN. With chilli sauce at the side. I also had the Japanese roasted pumpkin quinoa salad. It was delicious. Food was surprisingly decent for a new kitchen on its maybe third day of operations. 

J and I had our separate mains, and she also had a side of grilled halloumi. But somehow we polished off the entire plate of tater tots. For $12, it was a big plate of happy carbs. Hahahah. TBH, it filled me all the way up to dinner and beyond. I couldn't eat very much at dinner, which was thankfully light and easy.  

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