Tuesday, January 24, 2023

年初二 :: 新春福兔送吉祥、兔躍長天爭春暖

The man as lamenting about blowing 3s mostly on the Lumen. He would do 2s if he ate early enough and skip the refined carbs and sugar. So I looked at his food log. I generally don't do it, but I wanted to see what he was missing or doing too much of. He knows that he has to be disciplined about dinner timings and not having too much alcohol. But if he really wants to blow 2s consistently, he needs to eat even cleaner. 

For dinner that night, we didn't feel like going out. Many places would be crowded and annoying, and we didn't want to leave Smol Girl at home. We couldn't deal with any more dong-dong-chiang restaurant music. I could cook, but I was a tad lazy. So I assembled dinner for us. 

Opened up a pack of mixed beans and bulgur. I did a bean mix with sesame miso dressing, and tossed up an easy bulgur salad. I didn't bother to 'cook' any fish. Went to the restaurants and found tamago, and yellowtail and red snapper sashimi chunks, and negitoro sushi. Even bought super freshly boiled Tiger prawns as extra protein for the man. Due to my allergies, I cannot cook shellfish at home or have raw shellfish in the fridge. The man can only buy ready-to-eat items or frozen cooked shellfish to store in the freezer.

I ate most of the negitoro sushi. The man had one piece. Hahaha. He definitely can't have much sushi anymore, because of the rice. Well, his carbs in this meal were found in the beans and grains. I boiled up udon for myself to go with the meal. This entire meal was delicious — low sugar, low salt and low carbs. Perfect. Loads of fish. 就年年有餘吧.

The next morning, the man blew a 1 on the Lumen. He was thrilled. He has never blown a 1 since the last week of November 2022, till today.

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