Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Man Turns 48

The husband was absolutely flooded at work yesterday. Luckily we planned to stay in for dinner. I cooked. He wasn't fussy about the what we ate. So I did the usual easy stir-fry dishes. Soup, fish and vegetables. Plenty of protein too. The cleaning up was a bit painful, but it has to be done each time I do meal like this. Might as well use the opportunity to mop the floor and all.

Had picked out a fresh kurau fillet. Sliced off a little for Smol Girl's snack. She can't do salmon anymore; she seems to be okay with white fish so far. But she doesn't eat fish often anyway. For the humans, I marinated our fillet in salt and pepper, garlic and onions and old ginger slices. Seared it crisp. The skin was beautiful. Tossed up up xiao bai chye in fish sauce as well. #ImpieCooks2023 

Made a pot of 'sweet' soup — carrot, pear and old cucumber with pork ribs and chicken feet. Of course dried oysters and scallops went into the pot. Skipped the dried squid. When the soup was done, I added Fuzhou fishballs to the mix. Then just before serving, I topped it with crisp wongbok cabbage

The husband turns 48 today. Wow. Where did the time go? He's survived for almost half a century with health, intelligence and sanity intact. 

Happy Birthday, my love. Keep being true to yourself and do what you will and what you want to. Year on year, account for joy, accumulate as little angst as possible. Be sure that when you look back, you know that the year past was richly lived. Regret nothing. 

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