Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tong Shui :: 糖水

Hong Kong has entered summer and it's searing. It's less humid than Singapore, but the 30°C heat is mad. I'm outdoors in the heat in Singapore on most days. Yes, I'm used to it and I can bear it. But I don't really want to be out in this blazing HK heat all day. LOL I keep looking for iced water. Needed ice cubes. Thankfully we all brought our insulated water bottles that could keep water chilled for a bit. 

Desserts are a thing for the girls. We don't go out of our way to look for dessert shops. We simply chance upon them. Ice cream for M the ice-cream monster, and anything sweet for S. I survived a few jaunts into dessert shops. Places like Honeymoon Dessert and Hui Lau Shan, and Art of Dessert are quite classic I suppose. Then it's up to you how much of a purist you are — to eat at a franchise or hunt down the independent classic dessert stalls and find a flavor that you particularly like.

I realized that I can only do specific old school desserts and not all of them. I'm okay with either hot or cold ones for these, preferably cold though. I'm not fussy about it. I just want them to be not ridiculously full of sugar. Unlike me, to the girls, dessert can literally be dinner for them. Good gawwd. They did that one night and said that they didn't want dinner anymore before going out for drinks. I was like, "you're starving me!" I couldn't. Dinner MUST BE savory for me. For the night, luckily for me, the bar had decent beef sliders.

I usually don't mind a guilinggao (龜苓膏), a poached pear something (冰糖燉雪梨之類的), or a ginger soup thing with sesame or peanut tang yuan (湯圓薑湯). Ate a bowl of poached pear with dried longans that afternoon. It was refreshing!

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