Thursday, January 25, 2024

Seizing A Sunny Morning

I was really lazy and didn't feel like going out. But Smol Girl hadn't pooped and I had to give her the option to do so today. It was sunny and oddly cool enough. I shouldn't waste the morning by staying at home. This monsoon, who knew when the rains would return? Figured I'd go to Moonchild for a coffee and brunch. But first, we would stop by the playground at Somme Road. 

Smol Girl didn't need to be convinced to poop. She peed loads, then she did a massive poop minutes upon reaching Somme Road, then a second one later — twice within 15 minutes. If you really want to know, it's a five-inch solid chocolate log, then it was a 3.5-inch softer lump with some drippy bits at the end. LOL She totally cleared her pipes. This dog has every chance to poop daily, but she likes to hold her poop. Zzzzz 

Smol Girl was allowed to pick her own table. Hahaha. Well, the cafe is blissfully quieter on week days. No queues and plenty of empty tables outdoors. She wasn't keen to say hi to the other two dogs who were there. Not till when we were leaving, then she deigned to check them out. She happily snoozed at my feet. I stuffed in tater tots and scrambled eggs. Those should hold till dinner. Heh. Coffee was good. Loved it. Opted for a Fuyan from Yunnan (富岩、云南省). Mmmmm.

Choya had breakfast before we went out. That was followed by lunch when we came back. And right after, the rain started in earnest. Wheeeeee. Happiness is when the Smol Girl is all peed, pooped and fed. My schedule is truly ruled by her toileting needs.

The morning out was totally worth it. 

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