Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Soon Hock Craving Settled

I had a craving for easy food, say soup and fish. Off to the convenient Sin Hoi Sai at Tiong Bahru estate. The zi char restaurant doesn't do the best soups, but its pot of daily soup would do. Their fish is always fresh, and this kitchen steams it nicely. 

The daily soup was old cucumber and pork. It was decent, but their soups always leans on the salty side. Dohhh. Or rather I don't fancy it much at this level of saltiness. Added a sambal kangkong to the table, and claypot tofu for more protein for the man. 

What we really wanted, was a medium-sized soon hock, steamed just right in soy sauce. I can't remember how heavy the soon hock is. Sin Hoi Sai at Tiong Bahru prices it at S$78/$79++ and it's usually about ~600-700g. That would do for both of us. We love our fish and can decimate it thoroughly. The pile of coriander is ignored by me and totally appreciated by the man. 

It was a super breezy evening. The air was cool. I didn't even perspire much after sipping warm soup and all that. Skipped the beer. Had two cups of cold barley water. It was absolutely comfortable sitting outdoors for dinner. 

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