Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Personal Training Sessions Have Begun

Took up the gym's promotional offer for three sessions of PT (personal training) at 45-minutes each for a total of $149. They call it a Kick-Starter. That's quite a steal. Let's see what has improved by way of PT methodology (largely dependent on the assigned trainer) and if it can nudge me a little. 

I do classes at the gym because I'm not someone who can walk in and know what to do on the gym floor. I can use some of the machines, but I don't know how to use them effectively or where and what my weak spots are. Youtube and IG are not very helpful to me in this area.

I'm assigned a personal trainer/coach whom I thought is rather experienced and practiced. He has been handling clients for years and he seems to have vibes similar to some of the trainers (who have left the gym) I used to 'like'. He's similar in the sense that I liked their approach as a trainer; I appreciated how they organized a walk-through and demo of a class, give clear instructions and never hold too intense expectations. 

Hello, I'm not an athlete. I'm just someone trying to drop 3% body fat. The weight isn't the point. I'm mad lazy, and would cheat in all reps. My goal by the end of the year is to reduce 3% body fat, and do 10 reps of pull ups unassisted with ease. (And maybe an 'air walk' pull-up.) I can't do that now. I can do five easily, six, and the other four require a tremendous effort. 

Went for my first PT session. This coach pointed out my scapular issues, which in turn hurt my elbow extensors if I'm not consciously pushing them down and retracting them. There're two more sessions in this starter pack, then I have a new set of 12 sessions more to go. They call that Full Throttle. Haha. I don't need another set after that. I need to figure out the machines, get my form and movement right, and I'm all sorted to get in workouts on my own. Heh.  

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