Monday, July 01, 2024

Pink Dot 16: No One Left Behind

This sixteenth edition of Pink Dot is themed 'No One Left Behind', the lights formed and spelt 'Equality'. We get so few sanctioned civil society activities and activists being allowed to do what they do, that any sane mass movement at Hong Lim Park is a sight to behold.  

I kinda skipped Pink Dot this year. I had a dinner to get to, so I went early to say hello and 'clocked attendance' since I wanted the numbers to count. It was fun saying hi to all the familiar faces, and checking out the booths. Then I left to shower and change up for dinner.  

Didn't bring the dog even for this short bit. It's too hot in the afternoon, and still too muddy from the morning rains. The shows and music were loud at this mid-afternoon timing. She would hate it. So she happily stayed home and snoozed. 

This is Pride month, so the dog is dressed up in pink and Pride colors in a show of solidarity. Any time you're not defined as a 'normie', you run the risk of being ostracized and bullied. You're emotionally blackmailed into fitting back into that mould. That shouldn't be the case in Singapore. 

That scorecard thing on various politicians is ridiculous. What are we doing? Playground bullying? Community shaming. You should be ashamed of your insidious moves, Protect Singapore, which is the spawn of Dads for Life, Centre for Fathering, and regrettably, the Yellow Ribbon Project. 

I'm cisgender, and biologically, I identify and feel she/her. That makes me a normie. But that doesn't make me unempathetic about those who feel otherwise. I do understand. It's both a biological and scientific thing, not a religious or devilish agenda. Regardless, it doesn't mean heterosexuals get a pass in murder or being a dick. It doesn't mean heterosexuals having higher moral ground than LGBTQIA individuals. In a country's quest for progress, it's imperative that we do not leave any human behind, regardless of their sexuality, which has nothing to do with their ability to contribute towards nation-building. And it never matters to me what you identify as. What matters to me is if you're a reasonably decent human being. 

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