Thursday, October 03, 2024

Choya is 7!

My Smol Girl turns 7 years old. From being 'my husband's dog', Choya is now 'Momma's Girl'. Aiyohhh. I I have come to willingly traded many little human perks in life to be present for her. And yes. I haven't had much sleep either for the past few years. Thunderstorms. Dogs. Haizzzzz. 

In these two months, we also have news of the passing of floofs we have seen for years, and some who are ill. Such is the cycle of life. These dogs have such short lifespans that as much as we say we're ready for the inevitable, we never will be. All we can do is to do right by them. We brought them into the home, and we ought to be fully responsible for them. It's a fine balance between quality of life versus simply extending their life. 

I didn't bother buying a cake for the Smol Girl this round either. She gets such good food that I decided she doesn't even need a meat cake. Got a cake for US instead. LOLOL I wanted to try Little Favors's seasonal flavor of pear and masala chai, as well as the wasanbon financiers. So we got those for the humans to eat. The seasonal flavor of the cake is inspired by Ethel's recent trip to Darjeeling. 

Masala chai is made with Glenburn Tea Estate’s Autumn Crescendo 100% Darjeeling Black tea, a blend of spices that include green cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon and fresh ginger. It’s used to poached the pears and also turned into a milk jam made with buffalo milk. Sponge cake layered with poached pears, masala chai milk jam, buttercream and a dotting of valrhona dulcey pearls.

The combination of pear and masala chai really resonates with me, and the husband too. He likes a good cake in general that isn't too the run-of-the-mill. I'm fine with chocolate, but if I get to choose, I would choose to have a cake in other lighter flavors, and pretty much anything that Little Favors trot out, even lychee oolong. 

I really like Ethel's touch in her cakes — the sponge, not the buttercream. The wasanbon financiers lean sweet, but I will deal with it since there's a sprinkle of salt on top to offset it. 

Of course I fed the dog well. With her small stomach, I wasn't going to simply feed her everything 'good' in a day. That would just be short-sighted. Hello, diarrhoa? So no no no. I spread out all her treats over two weeks. No need to try 'new' things because her palate is extensive enough. She always gets oysters and broth, and seafood rotated. She's currently into quail now because it isn't something she gets often, but I happen to have a batch of 10 quail. Ha! So I'll give her one every 3 weeks. 

She also had her favorite thing ever — cheese. I set up a tiny platter of cheese for her. Needless to say, she loved it and was so satiated with the plate that she toddled off into a food coma without asking me for more after inhaling the contents. She even complained that it should be offered more often, on a daily basis, twice a day. You wish, Girl. That will be a complete pancreatic disaster.  

Be well, little one. Be happy. You are very loved.

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