Friday, April 26, 2019

These 7.30am Mondays

Since the gym management royally messed up my schedule mid March, I have to crawl up at 6am on Mondays to roll into the 7.30am LES MILLS GRIT™Strength. I'm still not pleased with this, but I will live. I have made this routine work, and I don't whine about getting up early. Heh.

It hasn't been that tough, honestly. The thought of having a healthy heart and abs, and hopefully happy cells and a strong-enough immune system keeps me going. For as long as I can, I will keep with this schedule. Life throws curveballs right? Oh well. The pecs, lats and obliques need to be strengthened as much as possible before I lose muscle mass and arm strength. Then I'll need to be patient in order to rebuild strength from ground up.

I'll soon take three weeks off this gym schedule to recuperate. Pilates will be my sanity in the meantime. Needles, probes and incisions do funny things to the body. After that, hopefully I can return to this class. God willing. I focus on what needs to be done, not 'what ifs'. This is me still breathing, and I will do all I can to maintain muscle mass and bone density, and carry on with general conditioning. I'm not one to go for long walks in Singapore. The heat and humidity are just impossible. When I feel unwell or really ‘not up to it’ on some days, I can use lighter weights, ease up on the intensity and go slower.


Liverella said...

Keeping you in prayers! May your body heal well!

imp said...

i'd love that. thankyooou loads.